Solar Aid Donation
It was agreed at our AGM that we would donate £252 of the Community Benefit Fund to Solar Aid. We have now made this donation and we understand that this will contribute: Solar Aid
Our recent AGM – plenty to discuss including the allocation of our first Community Benefit Fund!
Our Annual General Meeting was held on Saturday 4th February with 60 members attending the event. As well as providing an opportunity to update members on the progress made by the organisation over the last year and our plans going forward, the AGM was a milestone for the organisation, its investors and the city. It […]
A day for good news – Share Offer closes 3 weeks early plus Lembas install begins!
We are really pleased to announce that we are closing our share offer 3 weeks early as we’ve reached our target of £70,000. On the same day as we close our offer, installation has begun at Lembas Wholefood Wholesalers. 90 solar panels will go on their warehouse roof and will contribute a significant amount to […]
PowerStation Sheffield
Our PowerStation Sheffield data is now out of date, but we have accessed the latest information from Ofgem that gives data from 2010 to September 2015. From this we have calculated the total capacity of renewable energy installations in Sheffield (S) post-codes. From 2010 – September 2015 10,111 renewable energy installations were registered with Ofgem […]
Share Offer – nearly there!
We are really pleased that we have received nearly £60,000 in investment (as at December 6th). It has been amazing to see the support of existing and new members. This means we can go ahead with the installation at Lembas – it should start next week (week of December 12th). If you are thinking of […]
Opportunities to discuss our Share Offer
Our share offer launch was only the first of several opportunities to speak to us about our new Share Offer in November. Today we are at the Peace and Craft Fair in Sheffield Town Hall. We have long exhibited at community events such as Peace in the Park and the Peace and Craft Fair ( […]
New Community Share Offer
Our new Community Share Offer to raise £70,000 to install two more solar PV schemes will launch on Tuesday, November 1st at 7pm at the Quaker Meeting House, St James Street near the Cathedral in the city centre. Tea & coffee available at 6.45 pm. Our first new scheme will be on the roof of […]

New Share Offer – Press Release – October 2016
Sheffield’s second opportunity to invest in community owned renewable solar energy. Sheffield Renewables will launch their second Share Offer on Tuesday 1st November at Sheffield’s central Quaker Meeting House at 7pm (tea & coffee available from 6.45pm!) giving local people another opportunity to invest in and benefit from community owned renewable solar energy produced right […]
Farewell to DECC
In case you haven’t noticed that the Department for Energy & Climate Change has been abolished, you might like to read the following from BioRegional –
Clean Energy Declaration
Sheffield Renewables joined 90 other northern community groups in a call for the Budget to include measures to support renewable energy. The UK government should be celebrating clean energy as core to its economic plan. See for the full statement and list of organisations that signed up, before it was sent to the Chancellor. […]
Annual General Meeting 2016
Our AGM this year was held on February 16th. About 25 people attended. The main items were: The accounts were approved Three Volunteers were welcomed as Members Tom Harrison resigned as a Director. The remaining Directors will all continue for a further term and Paul Cocker was appointed as a new Director. The Chair’s Report […]

Taking from renewable energy to give to ‘diesel farms’?!
The government has just announced significant cuts in Feed-in Tariff (FiT) subsidies for renewable energy, stating the need to cap spending on renewable energy to £100m from 2016 to the end of 2018/19 in order to rein in public spending. This will see the subsidies cut by 65% from the 8th Feb. Sheffield Renewables, like […]

Police catch the sun
Sheffield Renewables have delivered their third community owned renewable energy scheme, a 50kW solar array panel at Attercliffe police station. This project is part of wider efforts by South Yorkshire Police to increase its sustainability, which will also help to reduce energy costs. A locally based community share offer, sourced through Sheffield Renewables, paid for the […]
Sheffield Renewables response to the FiT consultation results
Sheffield Renewables are deeply disappointed at the results of the review of the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) by the Department of Energy and Climate Change. Large cuts to the tariff will be implemented, they are not as drastic as first proposed, but this is little consolation as the FiT will no longer be a means of […]

Sheffield Renewables Response to the Consultation on a review of the Feed-in Tariff
Sheffield Renewables has submitted a response to the government’s consultation on a review of the Feed-in Tariff, which proposes drastic cuts to the Feed-in Tariff (FiT), potentially removing them altogether. A link to the full document (23 pages!) is at the bottom of this page. Sheffield Renewables feels very strongly that the FiTs need to […]

Solar in Myanmar!
One of our investors is currently travelling in Myanmar. He sent us these photos of solar panels outside very basic huts. He thinks they are used for charging mobile phones.

Go-ahead for tidal energy project
The MeyGen project, owned by Atlantis, is set to start producing tidal energy in 2016. It’s thought to be the largest tidal energy project in the world, generating enough energy to power 17,500 homes through a series of 269 turbines located on the sea bed at Ness of Quoys, Caithness in north-east Scotland. The Meygen […]

Our response to the proposed removal of pre-accreditation under the Feed-In Tariff
The government released a consultation on the proposed removal of pre-accreditation and pre-registration on the Feed-in Tariff (FiT). Schemes can pre-accredit or pre-register in order to freeze the FiT rate while developing the project. This protects the scheme from the quarterly Feed-in tariff rate reviews, which could see rates decrease if there has been […]

Paces First Year Beats Prediction
Our first solar PV scheme at Paces, High Green Development Trust, has just completed its first year of generating clean, renewable electricity. It generated 41,870 kWh – the predicted amount was 37,500 kWh. This represents a carbon saving for the year of 18,423 kg.
Annual General Meeting
We had a successful AGM on March 19th. The draft minutes can now be seen here: AGM minutes 2015 draft and the Accounts for the end of year to September 2014 can be seen here: Sheffield Renewables X14-final.