We are really pleased to announce that we are closing our share offer 3 weeks early as we’ve reached our target of £70,000.
On the same day as we close our offer, installation has begun at Lembas Wholefood Wholesalers. 90 solar panels will go on their warehouse roof and will contribute a significant amount to meeting their electricity demand. (Pictures and install updates to follow soon)
The success of this Share Offer is a significant and much needed positive for the organisation. Over the last few years we’ve been fighting against constant legislative changes and huge uncertainty in the solar markets. We’ve worked hard to find a way to structure our projects that means they are financially viable in the current climate, but we were concerned that so many changes would hit investors’ confidence. We are incredibly pleased that our local community have held confidence and supported us in our quest to create a greener, cleaner, fairer energy supply in Sheffield. We are now in the position to continue to deliver community owned energy projects, with our fourth project being installed as we speak!
Sheffield Renewables is currently completely volunteer run. Our volunteers contribute the equivalent of almost 2 full time members of staff every week. We work very hard to ensure Sheffield Renewables can meet its aims and continue delivering energy projects. Without the commitment of these volunteers we would not be able to carry on. Thank you to all our volunteers for their time, effort and commitment.
We are looking forward to 2017, and expect there to be more positive and exciting developments, particularly as we will start paying our first round of Shareholders interest on their shares, as well as allocating our first round of Community Benefit Fund. We may even need to go out for another Share Offer, so if you wanted to invest but didn’t get chance, please go to our website and pledge! We will start to see the benefits of our projects spread across the community, hopefully inspiring more to join the movement and take back control of our energy supply!