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Community Action for our Energy Future

Total energy produced by our projects so far: 

1,160,536 kWh

Originally posted on 7 September 2010

Our models and volunteers attracted interest in our stall at Sheffield Fayre

The wet and windy start benefited our wind turbine but challenged some exhibitors. Thankfully everything dried out during the first morning, encouraging lots of people to come and enjoy the attractions.

The horticultural competitions gave the keen gardeners a chance to show off their skills. Down the hill a wide range of organisations, from Support Dogs that can predict epileptic fits to photography companies, told passers by about their work against a back drop of periodic gun and cannon fire. Thankfully when it was announced that World War II would start at quarter to four, it was only a small scale re-enactment!

Children enjoyed working our Archimedes screw. The longer legged took up the bicycle challenge, generating enough electricity to power mobiles phones and laptops. On Bank Holiday Monday, connecting the bike powered charger to a radio meant we could listen to Bohemian Rhapsody and travel news. It also showed how much energy was needed just to power a small radio.

The renewable energy models were good for attracting the attention of some passers-by who might not have been initially interested in renewable energy. Some running repairs had to be made, and we bought back more ideas for refining the models and making new ones for next year. Anyone out there who wants to join the model making team will be most welcome.

There was a bit of something for everyone and we hope that each person there had a great time.


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