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Community Action for our Energy Future

Total energy produced by our projects so far: 

1,160,536 kWh

Originally published on 24 August 2010

The video shows the tense ceremony that surrounded the selection of Sheffield Renewables’s summer 2010 A-Board Photo Competition winner. When Kaz found out that she had won, she couldn’t wait to return to the Winter Gardens, where she originally found the A-Board. This time she shared her photo with the £25 book vouchers that were her winnings.

Kaz shows off her £25 book token prize in the Winter Gardens

The other people that took part, and those that wish they had, needn’t dispair. There will be more photo competitions in future, as promised on our Facebook page. It’s always worth using your photography skills whenever you see the A-Board in a new location and becoming a Facebook friend to share them with us. The clue below to the current location has already been shared with our friends.

Recognise where the A-Board is? If so, head down with your camera before it moves.


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