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Community Action for our Energy Future

Total energy produced by our projects so far: 

1,160,536 kWh

The grassroots support behind Sheffield Renewables has long been the driver of its aim to help Sheffield become a more environmentally sustainable city. Harnessing the enthusiasm of local people to help instigate a dramatic shift in the way energy is produced and owned locally is highlighted throughout the organisation, from the management group through to the volunteers and supporters.

This energy and commitment has again been demonstrated thanks to 24 Pioneer Investors whose contributions have made nearly £16,000 available to Sheffield Renewables. These funds will help keep the organisation running as it pushes forward the development and ultimately the build of the Jordan Hydro Dam – to be Sheffield Renewables’ first owned and operated renewable energy scheme benefitting both the city and its people.

The whole of Sheffield Renewables is currently working hard to secure funding to cover the costs for the build of Jordan Dam Hydro. However, to commit to the build the organisation needs funds to cover up-front project costs and to run Sheffield Renewables as the project is delivered. The Pioneer Investors benefit the organisation by allowing the existing Early Bird Investors to release some or all of their investment to help cover costs such as:

1. Project development work, including review of legal agreements and advice on procurement

2. Core operating costs over the next year, including office, staff costs and if sufficient grant funding is secured, Sheffield Renewables plan to appoint a Chief Executive.

Pioneer Investors are exposed to a much higher degree of risk as they are funding activities that are to be carried out before a final decision to go ahead with the Jordan Dam Hydro project. This alone shows the commitment, energy and belief from the people behind the organisation, showing Sheffield is a forward thinking place where people are willing to adopt a pioneering attitude towards becoming environmentally sustainable



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