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Community Action for our Energy Future

Total energy produced by our projects so far: 

1,160,536 kWh

Arial photograph of Jordan Dam area

Sheffield Renewables [1] has submitted an application for planning permission to build a hydro power scheme at Jordan Dam, near Meadowhall.

Rob Pilling, Managing Director of Sheffield Renewables said: “This is another important step bringing Jordan Dam water power closer to fruition. It represents a lot of hard work by our volunteers and has been made possible by the support of our funders and partners.”

The Jordan Dam scheme comprises a ‘modern’ Archimedes screw to be located next to the dam that separates the River Don from the canal. Although the Archimedes screw was invented to raise water, at Jordan Dam it will be used in reverse, enabling the downward movement of the water to generate electricity. The scheme will generate around 310,000kWh of electricity per year. This is the amount used by about 80 typical family homes [2], providing a saving of around 150 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year [3]. This location has been selected because it has one of the best water power resources in Sheffield.

Submission of the planning application marks the end of the first phase of development work. Next steps include further technical development, application for an abstraction license and significant fundraising effort. The aim is to raise £250,000 towards the capital cost of the scheme by selling shares, enabling members of the community to become owners the scheme.

Sheffield Renewables welcomes comments and questions about the scheme, especially from anyone living near-by. They also encourage people to share their opinions with the council by commenting on the planning application, reference number 11/00615/FUL online via Sheffield City Council’s website.

Sheffield Renewables offers a range of volunteering activities to suit different interests, experience and time available.



[1] Sheffield Renewables is a community and a social enterprise that develops, funds, builds, owns and operates renewable energy schemes. This means that we are run by and for local people and also that we are not-for-profit. Surplus money we earn is re-invested to support local sustainability. Much of our work is carried out by volunteers, which helps to reduce our costs.

Our schemes will contribute to city wide efforts to meet targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and for increasing local renewable energy provision. We reinforce these direct carbon savings through local outreach, communications and education. Our work also helps to strengthen social cohesion and community resilience by encouraging people to work together and to share a common purpose, and also by developing community owned assets. In pursuing our aims we work across the city for the benefit of everyone, while giving an additional focus to those areas close to our project sites.

[2] This is based on an average UK household electricity consumption of 3,935kWh per household per year. Provided by the Energy Saving Trust (see their website)

[3] Based on a carbon dioxide emission rate of 0.537kg CO2/kWh of grid generated electricity from The Carbon Trust (see their website)

Sheffield Renewables [1] has submitted an application for planning permission to build a hydropower scheme at Jordan Dam, near Meadowhall.

Rob Pilling, Managing Director of Sheffield Renewables said “This is another important step bringing Jordan Dam Hydro closer to fruition. It represents a lot of hard work by our volunteers and has been made possible by the support of our funders and partners.”

The Jordan Dam scheme comprises a ‘modern’ Archimedes screw to be located next to the dam that separates the River Don from the canal. The Archimedes screw was originally invented to raise water. At Jordan Dam it will be used in reverse, enabling the downward movement of the water to generate electricity. The scheme will generate around 310,000 kWh of electricity per year. This is the amount used by about 80 typical family homes [2], providing a saving of around 150 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year [3]. This location has been selected because it has one of the best water power resources in Sheffield.

Submission of the planning application marks the end of the first phase of development work. Next steps include further technical development, application for an abstraction license and significant fundraising effort.

Sheffield Renewables welcomes comments and questions about the scheme, especially from anyone living near-by. They would also encourage people to share their opinions with the council by commenting on the planning application, reference 11/00615/FUL at .We also offer a range of volunteering activities to suit different interests, experience and time you can spare.


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