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Community Action for our Energy Future

Total energy produced by our projects so far: 

1,160,536 kWh

Originally published on 7 April 2010

Jordan Dam, the location of one of our hydroelectric schemes that will benefit from the feed-in tariff.

The feed-in tariff [2] introduced by the government last week is a great boost to our renewable energy scheme development plans. The feed-in tariff will provide us with slightly higher revenues than predicted when we started developing our hydroelectric schemes in 2007 and the fixed price means that we can have greater confidence in future revenues.

Mark Wells, Business and Funding Director for Sheffield Renewables [3] explained “This makes it easier for Sheffield Renewables to plan and build viable projects. It makes it easier for us to put together a package which will attract the finance we need to make our projects a success.”

Our volunteer led, social enterprise approach means that any surplus generated as a result of the feed-in tariff will be reinvested to develop additional local schemes, or support other projects which enhance local sustainability. Mark continued “It’s a really neat approach because this way the whole community benefits.”

The feed-in tariff also applies to a range of other renewable technologies including solar, biomass and wind so we are hoping to diversify by developing projects based on these other sources in the future.

Further information on the feed-in tariff and its effects on Sheffield Renewables will be available in an article in our April newsletter. People who have signed up as supporters will recieve it hot off the press later in the month. Anyone reading this blog entry who missed the newsletter can check out back issues in the Media section of our website.


[1] Further information on our Jordan Dam scheme can be found in our blog entry ‘Local Investors Buy into Local Renewable Energy’

[2] Further information on the Feed-in-Tariff can be found on the Department of Energy and Climate Change’s website.

[3] Sheffield Renewables was formed by a group of volunteers in late 2007. We are committed to improving Sheffield’s environmental sustainability. We aim to harness local enthusiasm, knowledge and skills, in creating an energetic and committed social enterprise, which develops, owns and operates renewable energy schemes.

Our schemes will contribute to city wide efforts to meet targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and for increasing local renewable energy provision. We will reinforce these direct carbon savings through local outreach, communications and education. Our work also helps to strengthen social cohesion and community resilience by encouraging people to work together and to share a common purpose, and also by developing community owned assets.

In pursuing our aims we work across the city for the benefit of everyone, while giving an additional focus to those areas close to our project sites.