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Community Action for our Energy Future

Total energy produced by our projects so far: 

1,160,536 kWh

Originally posted on 18 May 2010

Sheffield Renewables had a stall at the Big Green Fair which was part of Sheffield University’s Ethical and Environmental Week on Monday May 10th 2010.

It was a good day with interesting stalls. We made good contacts with other organisations there, spoke to several keen students and signed up 13 supporters, 8 volunteers and 4 investors (17 different individuals).

We had lots of interesting conversations with people who were really interested in what we are doing:

  • Not only students, but parents of students, other stallholders and university staff.
  • Some people were already very knowledgeable, others wanted to find out about renewable energy and how they can help.
  • Some students who are doing or about to do linked research.

We also found some useful information for us – a possible ‘green’ server for the office, made in Sheffield!

It was interesting to meet some people already on our supporters list – good to put faces to names. Also great to get feedback on our website from a media savvy student – he gave it the thumbs up.

Good luck to Abigail’s student who’s getting her dad to build an Archimedes screw with a group of school children. We hope they learn from our mistakes!

Also thanks to Tim for organising the event and inviting us to attend.


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