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Community Action for our Energy Future

Total energy produced by our projects so far: 

1,160,536 kWh

Rob and Abigail were pleased to take part in the FridayNightRide on Friday, May 13th. They joined 30 other nightriders for a special ‘green’ tour in memory of Mervyn Smith, a regular nightrider.

The tour started at Kelham Island, where Abigail and Rob explained our plans for re-installing a water wheel in the existing wheel pit.

The ride went on to admire Sheffield College eco-buildings, Kettlebridge wood chip store and the biomass furnaces in Darnall, before arriving at Jordan Dam. Rob and Abigail gave an explanation of our plans for an Archimedean screw at this site, and answered many relevant questions.

A very useful evening meeting some of our existing supporters, and chatting to like-minded people.

To find out more about Sheffield FridayNightRide bike rides go to:

Many thanks to Sheffield FridayNightRide for asking us along, and thanks to Simon Geller for allowing us to use his photo.

Friday Night Riders gathered around the wheel pit to hear about our plans for Kelham Island


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