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Community Action for our Energy Future

Total energy produced by our projects so far: 

1,160,536 kWh
Members of the public viewing our display boards and model

Sheffield Renewables had a successful stall at the launch event for Sheffield Environment weeks on Saturday, April 23rd in the city centre.

Five volunteers working in shifts staffed the stall until a sudden hail storm forced all stall holders to pack away and head for shelter. It was interesting to talk to lots of people about our schemes. Some were very interested, and some took some convincing about the worth of renewable energy, but we had useful conversations. We signed up 15 new supporters, 4 new volunteers and one new investor.

The sudden rain and hailstorm caused some slight damage to our Jordan Dam model, but a bit of paint should put it right. Luckily we have a model making day soon.

Jean T


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