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Community Action for our Energy Future

Total energy produced by our projects so far: 

1,160,536 kWh

Tom Finnane

I’m currently undertaking a voluntary placement at Sheffield Renewables as part of my university degree on a flexible part-time basis while studying Business Management at Sheffield Hallam University.

As part of my work for Sheffield Renewables, I am required by my university to keep a diary of every day I work, and more recently was required to write a Sustainability Report.  This involved describing the environmental factors within the workplace at Sheffield Renewables, reporting on what they do well and what they could improve on.

I had to look in depth into key areas of the work place such as lighting, transport, tea & coffee and water usage.

My report noted that Sheffield Renewables is taking the following actions:

  • Only using cars to carry heavy loads, or when absolutely necessary, and encouraging walking, cycling or taking the bus to work
  • A toilet which uses rain water rather than mains water, where you can shorten the flush to save wasting water
  • Signing up to the Third Sector Declaration on Climate Change and committing to following its aims
  • Following a purchasing policy of only buying recycled or second hand products whenever possible
  • Switching off all mains appliances overnight so as not to waste electricity, and only switching lights on when needed
  • Only using Fair Trade tea and coffee.

My assignment was a success with my university rewarding the report a Merit grade, and I had a chance to see from an external point of view what action Sheffield Renewables is taking with regards to the environment.
