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Community Action for our Energy Future

Total energy produced by our projects so far: 

1,160,536 kWh
Volunteer Ana, pleased to have recieved her Share Certificate at the AGM

It was good to see so many members and some non-members at our second Sheffield Renewables AGM last Wednesday.

Five new core volunteer members were welcomed and three who came to the meeting were presented with their share certificates.

Rob Pilling gave a very interesting summing up of the past 18 months. His report will be available shortly on the website. He thanked all volunteers for the great deal of hard work they had done over this time.

The accounts for the year October 2009-September 2010 were received and we agreed we would submit unaudited accounts to the FSA.

Mark Wells, our treasurer, took us through the budget for the current year.

All the current directors stood down and four directors were elected: Richard Collins (new), Rob Pilling, Jean Tinsley and Mark Wells. John Taylor was thanked for his year as Technical Director.

A motion to lift the restrictions on the use of equity was passed by all members present.


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